Ayurvedic Yoga

Ayurvedic Yoga

Ayurveda is also considered the healing side of yoga.


While yoga is self-realization, Ayurveda is self-healing.  It is a journey to prevent and heal the roots (causes) of diseases by creating a balanced and optimal environment in body and mind to maximize the body’s ability to heal itself.

Yoga and Ayurveda are sister sciences. Called positive health science, yoga has a sound philosophy and elaborates practical technology while Ayurveda is a full medical system with its own fundamental principles, life and health concepts, pathology, diagnostics and therapy” R.H. Singh, in Yoga and Ayurveda, S,P. Mishra, 2004).  Ayurveda supports the physical and mental healing processes with diet (ahar), lifestyle (vihar), daily routines (dinacharya)  and Yoga encourages and supports the energetic level with hand mudra, conscious breathing, pranayama, relaxation, meditation and mantra.


Yoga and Ayurveda form an integrated model to maintain health and to resolve health issues.  They combine the six major factors, diet, environment, lifestyle, exercise (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama) and mental techniques (relaxation and meditation) to restore or maintain balance in body and mind.


Ayurvedic yoga therapy is a yoga practice adapted to one’s specific dosha (constitution) to achieve a balance in body and mind and a deeper experience of wellbeing.  It includes specific asanas, pranayama and meditation to pacify the doshas while taking into consideration the current environment such as the time of the day, the season, the age group and above all, focusing on the individual doshas and specific health conditions.


Yoga nidra

Yoga Nidra is a technique of deep relaxation beneficial to the immune system, lowering blood pressure, slowing down heart rate, improving circulation and memory, pain reduction & inflammation, reduction in sympathetic nervous system activity and increasing parasympathetic nervous system activity.  It helps to reduce stress and its consequences on health.


Nidra means “sleep”. “It is the means of understanding, integrating and utilizing the various dimensions of our mind.” (D. Swami Karmananda Saraswati, Oct. 1983).  It is an approach to reach pratyahara (gaining mastery over external influences).
Conditions that benefit the most from regular Yoga Nidra practice are:


– Autoimmune disease

– Cardiac Disease

– Chronic disease

– Other conditions which benefit – pain secondary to injury and cancer


(Dr. M. Halpern,  Yoga Nidra Certification Course, 2006-2011)

Yoga Classes

(27, route 143, Canton-de-Hatley)



Summer break for yoga classes.



Summer break for yoga classes.